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Benefits of Private Classes and Group Training

For organizations interested in building knowledge and skills for a team, the Life Cycle Institute offers several options. With five or more enrollments, a private class (virtual or in-person) is likely more cost effective and offers exclusive benefits. Additionally, volume purchase discounts are available for public classes and eLearning seats.

Benefits of an onsite or group training experience include:

Focus on your unique issues — we integrate relevant examples and activities into the curriculum

Schedule the class when it’s convenient for your operation​

Save travel expenses and spend 40% less time off the job because we travel to you​

Show the importance of your program by having site leaders kick off a workshop

Include a variety of participants: managers, supervisors, engineers, technicians, and more​

Integrate pre-class activities and post-class coaching in a High Impact Learning experience to ensure results

Group purchase discount and mix-and-match eLearning to best suit your needs​

The Private Training Formula that Provides Sustainable Results

Private Training Exclusives

Reliability Excellence Fundamentals

Reliability Excellence Fundamentals

For more information about the training download our brochure using the button below
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Reliability Excellence Awareness

Reliability Excellence Awareness

For more information about the training, contact us
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ISO 55000 Series Workshops

ISO 55000 Series Workshops

For more information about the training download our brochure using the button below
Click Here

Operator Care

Operator Care

For more information about the training, contact us
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Train the Trainer

Train the Trainer

For more information about the training download our brochure using the button below
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1. Schedule a Training

To see more details about a course you are interested in, either hover over a private training exclusive or click on a core training course. Private training exclusives are generally offered only onsite. Our core training options are more suited for virtual delivery.

2. Pre-engagement Call

4-6 weeks prior to the scheduled delivery, a call will be scheduled with the client to gain alignment on the objectives, introduce you to the facilitator, and finalize any logistics. This is the point where we can integrate practical examples into the curriculum.

For customers that opt for a High Impact Learning experience, this is where we define Learning Impact Maps and discuss coaching visits.

3. Customized Training is Delivered

On the day of the training, participants will arrive either to their onsite designated location or online classroom link, depending on if this training is taught in-person or virtually. In a High Impact Learning engagement, participants will complete their learning impact map, including how they will use their new learning on-the-job, and what results those actions will achieve.

4. Evaluation Review

Post-training, a call will be scheduled with the client to review the training evaluations, and to see if there are other areas of their business where we can help. For our High Impact Learning engagements, coaching sessions will be scheduled, visits and results of application projects will be documented and results presented to leadership.

The Pinnacle of High Impact Learning - Certification Programs

For organizations that want to strive for excellence, we offer three certifications. The programs, delivered in partnership with top engineering universities, help validate competency in the applied area of expertise. To achieve the credential, you must display understanding of the fundamental knowledge domains by applying the content to your own organization. If your organization would like to certify multiple people, our certification programs can be delivered as a private training engagement.


Learning that Produces Results

A private class allows an organization to assemble leaders in the same room, providing ample internal networking and team-building opportunities. This is especially beneficial when team members work at different sites and may not have opportunities to share experiences and build critical relationships.

Want your favorite Life Cycle Institute facilitator to visit your site?
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