Reliability Centered Maintenance eLearning (eRCM)


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As part of the self-paced Reliability Engineering Certification (REC Online) program, eRCM includes assignments throughout the course to submit for marking by a subject matter expert coach. We also encourage candidates to complete the action plans included in course modules.

This is a required course for the REC Online certification. For more information on the REC Online program download the brochure.


  • Introduction to RCM
  • RCM is strategic to the business
  • Asset hierarchy
  • Asset criticality analysis
  • Operational context, functions, and performance standards
  • Documenting the RCM analysis in an FMEA
  • Selecting the right maintenance strategy
  • Equipment maintenance plan (EMP)
  • RCM program approach
  • KPIs, metrics, and continuous improvement
  • PM Optimization
  • Facilitating RCM


Practical Content
Many organizations have been unsuccessful in implementing RCM because they failed to translate or act on data, had undefined plans and objectives, or lacked organizational competency and support.

Based on decades of experience, we have found that organizations that consider business risk and program optimization will have a more successful RCM program. eRCM gives learners the resources and practice to effectively integrate risk and optimization through an FMEA and RCM analysis, asset hierarchy, asset criticality, equipment maintenance plans, and PM optimization.

  • Build a business case for an RCM program and explore different RCM implementation approaches
  • Analyze an asset’s failure risks in a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
  • Apply a proven framework to select and justify maintenance strategies
  • Measure progress and create action plans for improvement


Who Will Benefit
People responsible for equipment asset lifecycle management, from concept to decommissioning. Job titles could include:

  • Project Engineers
  • Reliability Engineers
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Maintenance Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Engineering Technicians

Download and Share the Course Brochure Here:

eRCM BrochureeRCM Brochure