Predictive Maintenance Strategies eLearning (ePdMS)


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As part of the self-paced Reliability Engineering Certification (REC Online) program, ePdMS includes assignments throughout the course to submit for marking by a subject matter expert coach. We also encourage candidates to complete the action plans included in course modules.

This is a required course for the REC Online certification. For more information on the REC Online program download the brochure.


  • Introduction to Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Strategy
  • Establishing a PdM Program
  • PdM Technologies Summary
  • The Future of PdM Technologies
  • Program Management
  • The Business Case for a PdM Program


Predictive Maintenance Strategies (ePdMS)
Condition-based maintenance, built on a predictive maintenance strategy, uses equipment operating condition to make data-driven decisions and improve quality, productivity and profitability. Beyond applying specific predictive technologies like vibration monitoring or oil analysis, this course focuses on establishing, managing and sustaining results from a comprehensive predictive maintenance program.

Practical Content
The course considers predictive maintenance and other techniques as a component of a larger asset-maintenance strategy to diagnose, prevent and postpone failures. Students will learn the theory and application of multiple PdM technologies, along with the critical success factors of results-producing programs. Using activities and case studies, learners determine which technologies to use, how to set goals for a program, track progress and communicate results to stakeholders.


Key Topics Covered

  • How a combination of maintenance strategies mitigates risk and optimizes performance
  • How risk mitigation tools are used as part of a condition-based maintenance program
  • Selecting key performance indicators for maintenance strategy
  • Understanding foundational PdM strategies, including vibration analysis, motor analysis, infrared analysis, oil analysis, ultrasound, non-destructive testing, and precision maintenance best practices
  • Emerging technologies and the evolution of predictive maintenance
  • Defining maintenance program objectives, measures of success, training needs, change management implications, and organizational sponsorship
  • Drafting a business case for a PdM program


Who Will Benefit
The course is most suited to those involved in justifying or managing duties related to a condition-based monitoring program, including Maintenance Managers, PdM Managers, Maintenance professionals, and continuing education students.

Download and Share the Course Brochure Here:

ePdMS BrochureePdMS Brochure