Vendor Survey

Vendor Capabilities Survey Updated

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Dear APM Solution Provider:

Life Cycle Engineering, Inc. (LCE), a global asset management, reliability, and maintenance consulting firm, has partnered with a large multi-national pharmaceutical company to conduct due diligence for an Asset Performance Management (APM) platform.

LCE is conducting a wide market assessment during September 2022 to develop a ‘short list’ of viable solutions and service providers. In late September and October 2022, the selected short list of APM service providers will be invited to participate in a RFP and detailed evaluation where additional client details and system requirements will be provided.

We are excited to invite you to participate in this initial survey to help us determine the short list of viable solution providers based upon the high-level concepts and criteria in the provided information (reference download file) and survey. We also invite you to provide relevant presentations, case studies, solution information, etc. that would help us verify your capabilities with APM solutions as uploaded attachments in the last section of the survey.

Please reach out with any preliminary presentations you would like to schedule related to the provided functional concepts and other information provided in the survey and background information.

Please complete the following survey by the end of your business day, 07 September 2022.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this exciting opportunity!

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Please provide your company information

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Company details

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Solution details

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Solution details – Continued

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Solution details – Continued

Asset Performance Management Vendor Information

Solution supporting documents

Please submit any case studies or documentation you wish to include about your solution.