REC Work Product Scorecard Submission

Submit a Scorecard for a REC Student

REC Work Product Scorecard
Step 1 of 7 - Candidate Info

Criticality Ranking



Proposed Predictive Maintenance

Presentation and Defense

Scorecard Review Summary Page

Please review all of your responses prior to hitting the submit button.  Click on the BACK button to make changes to any of the sections of the Scorecard.

Student Name:      Candidate's Email:
Defense Completed on:     Certification Program Completed On:      


Criticality Ranking

Criticality form was used correctly: Yes
A minimum of 10 assets analyzed: Yes
Sufficient ranking granularity provided between assets: Yes
Asset scores are appropriate to the asset type: Yes


RCA tool completed correctly: Yes
RCA tool choice was appropriate for failure mode: Yes
Root causes were explained in proper detail, including potential countermeasures: Yes

Presentation and Defense

Candidate demonstrated knowledge of project and results: Yes
Candidate adequately answered questions about project: Yes


FMEA form completed correctly: Yes
Each failure mode has a frequency, severity and detectability assigned: Yes
Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) are calculated properly and have sufficient granularity: Yes
Recommended actions address one of the RPN number categories: Yes

Proposed Predictive Maintenance

PdM technique is described and applied correctly: Yes
PdM technique appropriate to countermeasure identified in RCA: Yes